DOI: 10.3758/s13421-016-0647-2
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The tracks of my years: Personal significance contributes to the reminiscence bump

Abstract: Two studies investigated the role of the self in the reminiscence bump (heightened retrieval for events from young adulthood). Participants over the age of 40 years were presented with top-grossing films and songs, and were asked to select the five that were most personally significant. Study 1 produced reminiscence bumps for personally significant songs, when measured by both participants' age at release (AaR) and age when songs were reported as most important (AaI). This effect was not shown for films. In St… Show more

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Cited by 33 publications
(48 citation statements)
References 48 publications
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“…Similar findings were reported for the knowledge of US presidents and leaders of China (Fu et al, 2016;Roediger & DeSoto, 2014), where the most recent ones revealed a higher memory accuracy, thus showing that subjects within a community recall events in a similar way. In addition, we found that subjects were able to recall specific details for each FIFA tournament edition, but the number of keywords (details) were above the mean for the first and last tournaments, indicating both a primacy and a recency effect, beyond the serial position effect, we found other peaks of recall (corresponding to 1930, 1978, 1986, 1990 and 2014) both in recognition and detail memory, which correlated with Argentina final position (playing or winning the final), supporting the idea that the importance and significance of an event influences its memorability (Rathbone et al, 2017;Rubin & Umanath, 2015). In addition, similar to flashbulb memories, response-confidence was associated with detail memory (Rubin & Talarico, 2017) but also with memory accuracy, suggesting a vivid and reliable memory.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 73%
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“…Similar findings were reported for the knowledge of US presidents and leaders of China (Fu et al, 2016;Roediger & DeSoto, 2014), where the most recent ones revealed a higher memory accuracy, thus showing that subjects within a community recall events in a similar way. In addition, we found that subjects were able to recall specific details for each FIFA tournament edition, but the number of keywords (details) were above the mean for the first and last tournaments, indicating both a primacy and a recency effect, beyond the serial position effect, we found other peaks of recall (corresponding to 1930, 1978, 1986, 1990 and 2014) both in recognition and detail memory, which correlated with Argentina final position (playing or winning the final), supporting the idea that the importance and significance of an event influences its memorability (Rathbone et al, 2017;Rubin & Umanath, 2015). In addition, similar to flashbulb memories, response-confidence was associated with detail memory (Rubin & Talarico, 2017) but also with memory accuracy, suggesting a vivid and reliable memory.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 73%
“…For most participants in the younger group, the 2014 World Cup coincides with their early adulthood, while the same occurs for the older subjects in the 1986 and 1990 tournaments. Therefore, we suggest that these results might be compatible with a reminiscence bump (Jansari & Parkin, 1996;Rathbone et al, 2017), i.e., the tendency to have increased recollection for events that occurred during adolescence and early adulthood. As expected, event emotionality in both sub-groups had a similar trend as memory accuracy and detail.…”
Section: Memory For World Cups That Occurred Prior To Birth Decay Linmentioning
confidence: 56%
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“…The effect is an overall preference for songs that were popular in late adolescence and early adulthood. A recent study by Rathbone et al (2016) found, however, that the reminiscence bump was pronounced only if the music was personally significant to the listener. Other factors that might contribute to the reminiscence bump found for music (and also for other domains, such as public events, sports, and films) include the occurrence of personally significant events during these years, physiological changes, formation of personal values, and music as a badge of social identity (see Rubin et al, 1998, for a review).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 88%
“…To summarize, previous studies have revealed that music can elicit a diverse array of memories, which display some common features, such as a predominance of positive emotions and social themes (Janata et al, 2007), a greater prevalence of perceptual details than other autobiographical memories (Belfi et al, 2016), and some connection to the reminiscence bump period (Krumhansl, 2017;Platz et al, 2015;Rathbone et al, 2017;Schulkind et al, 1999). In addition, MEAMs may be more involuntarily retrieved than other memories, which may at least partially explain the relative preservation of MEAMs in clinical cases where other aspects of autobiographical recall are impaired (El Haj, Fasotti, & Allain, 2012;El Haj, Postal, & Allain, 2012).…”
confidence: 98%