DESSER, S. S. 1972. The h e structure of Leucocytozoon simondi. V. The oocyst. Can. J. Zool. 50: 707-711.Following penetration through the midgut epithelium of Simulium rugglesi, ookinetes of Leucocytozoon simondi round up beneath the basal lamina and transform into young oocysts. These spherical, walled structures contain a large central core of crystalloid material. Dividing nuclei are seen in the peripheral cytoplasm, which is characterized by several concentric layers of granular endoplasmic reticulum. In a succeeding stage of development the trilaminar plasma membrane appears intermittently doubled, and bud-like outgrowths occur in these thickened areas. At this stage the crystalloid material is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. A nucleus, an elongate mitochondrion, and some crystalloid material move into each forming sporozoite, which continues to grow at the expense of the residual cytoplasm. DESSER, S. S. 1972. The fine structure ofLeucocytozoon simondi. V. The &-t. Can. J. Zool. 50: 707-71 1.Apres avoir penCtrC 17Cpith81ium de l'intestin moyen de Simulium ru&d oocinetes de Leucocytozoon simondi se rassemblent sous la membrane basale pour se transformer %&ysles.~e sont alors des structures spheriques, entourks d'une enveloppe resistante, q u~ contiennent, cn leur cent-, une grosse masse de substance cristalloide. Le cytoplasme pkripherique, caract is6 par des cod~hes~conccn-triques de rkticulum endoplasmique granulaire, contient des noyaux en div' @. Durant I'une des phases ultbieures du developpement, la membrane trilaminaire plasmatique semble se d ubler par chdrvits et ibn peut voir, en ces points, des excroissances ressemblant I des ourgeons% ce stad