Introduction: Leishmaniasis can occur in tegumentary (TL)) or visceral (VL) forms. It is endemic in 102 countries, and about 350 million people live in areas at risk of infection. Annually, 1.3 million new cases occur and cause 20,000 to 30,000 deaths, with an impact on public health. Sand flies are the vectors of the agents of leishmaniasis, several species of the genus Leishmania (Trypanosomatidae), transmitted to humans and animals. In the state of São Paulo (SP), VL is more associated with the urban and TL with the rural environments. Objectives: To update data on the geographic distribution of sand fly species in SP and to assess the frequency of vectors involved in LT transmission, according to Regional Health Divisions (DRS), to detect areas at risk of infection, as well as areas lacking information on the presence of these insects. Method: Bibliographic searches were carried out in scientific articles, theses, dissertations and in a database on sandflies, on the website of the Superintendence of Endemic Diseases Control (SUCEN). Data were entered into spreadsheets with information about authors, collection sites, collected species and number of specimens. Maps with the distribution of species by municipality and DRS were constructed using the geoprocessing software QGIS 3.16. The incidence of LT by DRS from 2018 to 2021 was also surveyed. Results: There are 78 species of sand flies with records in SP; Psathyromyia ribeirensis and Psathyromyia baratai were described after the last revision (in 2011), and seven others (Evandromyia costalimai, Evandromyia teratodes, Lutzomyia alencari, Nyssomyia fraihai, Psathyromyia barrettoi barrettoi, Psathyromyia campograndensis and Pintomyia serrana) represent new records. The distribution on maps by municipality and DRS was made for all species. In the 17 DRS's of SP, the presence of vectors of LT agents was verified with variable diversity and frequencies. Species of the genus Nyssomyia predominate, alone or in sympatry, in most regions. In the easternmost parts of the state, which include the coast, Ny. intermedia dominates; in regions that include areas further inland, in some of them, such as Registro, in Ribeira Valley, Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai occur in sympatry. In the Greater São Paulo DRS, Pi. fischeri prevails. In the DRSs of Campinas and Sorocaba, Ny. neivai, Ny. whitmani, Mg. migonei and Pi. fischeri predominate. In the most central and western parts of the state, Ny. neivai prevails, in some of them, in sympatry with Ny. whitmani. The DRS of Registro stands out in terms of the incidence of TL cases. Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of the VL agent, had its distribution plotted, but not its frequency. Spatial visualization on species distribution maps can help in entomological surveillance activities. Conclusion: The sand fly fauna was increased by nine species compared to the last review. The presence of vectors was found in all regions, with the exception of the Greater São Paulo DRS, where Pi. fischeri, notably, predominates, in all other DRSs,...