RECEIVEDbecause the material parameters do not appear to be available for other models.In the current paper, the fiber i s assumed to be thennoelastic (E; =O>. Assuming that the temperature field is known (from conservation of energy), the above field equatiom c8z1 be cast with appropriate mechanical boundary conditions to produce a well-posed boundary value problem.?"ne the.rmomechanical model proceeds fkorn the application of continuum thermomechanics t o a thermoviscoplastic medium [90]. Due to thc nonlinearities introduced by the thermoviscoplastic constitutive model, analytic solutians are not practical for most geometries and loading conditions. Therefore, the solutions are obtained computationally via the finite element method.The details of the formulation are given in Allen, et ai-[38] and Jeong, et d. [IO], Briefly, the conservation of momentum (1) is cast into a weak variational principle in terms of the primary variable uiAui(a,t)-This variational principle is incremented in time, and the straiq4splscement equation (2) and constitutive equations (3) are substituted to obtain a field problem which can be discretized for a typical finite element. Due t o the fact that internal variable evolution equations (4) are ordinary differential equations, the variational principle must be incremented in time, and the solution is obtained by incrementing &e boundary data with time. Due to.the nonlinearity of evolution equations (4) (they are actually numerically Stiff), extremely small time steps are required in order t o obtain accurate solutions, s o that for cyclic loading thc solution is computationally intensive. As described in the section on crack growth, this problem may be exacerbated by instabilities introduced during periods of crack propagation.The oxidation model proceeds from the assumption that the rnks of oxygen is conserved within the solid MMC. This produces a diffusion modd for the species of owgen, c=c(xk,t), of the f o m :' 0 7 / 1 2 / 9 5 1 1 : 0 9 B 1 0 9 815 6 0 5 1 Mare recently, the algorithm has been used to predict the effects of surface oxidation on the response of the composite. Although the &hate objective of this effort is to use the algorithm t o predict the effect of oxidation on We, we have not yet proceeded this far. Thus, we will report only prehinary results herein. Using the unit cell shown in Fig. 9, a plane strain analysis has been performed for a monotonically increashg displacement applied normal t o the fiber direction. As shown i n Fig. 11, i;his analysis has been performed for h o cases: a specimen that is assumed t o be unorridizcd, and a specimen that is assumed t o have been pre-oxidized with a surface oxide layer of 50 micron thickness. It is seen in t h e figure that the average stress-strain behavior of the composite is deteriorated in the oxidized case-The reason for this can be explained by triewing Fig. 12, wherein the crack length is platted versus time.As can be seen, the development of surface cracks in the oxidized specimen tends to shed load to the in...