Aim: To create a non-clinical care education alternative for low-middle-income country (LMIC) medical students in an acute care surgery (ACS) service in the United States.
Materials and methods:An observational 30-day rotation with retrospective evaluation for an international medical student occurred at a level one trauma center in the United States. Trauma morning report was used as an educational model based on some elements of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured.Results: Trauma morning report was held daily for the student's 30-day experience. The trauma patients' primary and secondary survey, images, trauma bay, and operative management were all reviewed daily. Patients' prehospital and hospital courses were completely evaluated by the performance improvement team. The functional status, physical therapy, familial support networks, economic and health insurance record, and rehabilitation disposition were reviewed. Prior to discharge, socioeconomic barrier analysis was conducted to provide safe outpatient care plans. Education by attending surgeons for the multidisciplinary team, which was integrated by students, residents, fellows, faculty, social workers, physical therapists, advanced nurse practitioners, performance improvement coordinator, and nurse trauma manager, was conducted daily on a selected topic.
Conclusion:Trauma morning report served as an observational education in multidisciplinary trauma systems (TS) for international students. The experience in the United States provides a new perspective on systems-based trauma care for international students.
Clinical significance:The educational alternative exposed is a pathway for medical students from LMIC to increase their clinical experience, ACS knowledge, and trauma care systembased understanding. The students who opt for this kind of experience may choose a specialization in surgery, increase their research productivity, and improve the development of emergency medical services TS in their respective countries.Keywords: Acute care surgery education, Emergency medical services, Global health, International experience, Low-middleincome countries, Medical, Observational study, Students, Trauma systems development.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None
RESUMENObjetivo: Construir una alternativa de educación para estudiantes de los países de medianos y bajos ingresos(LMIC) mediante una rotación clínica tipo observador (sin contacto directo con el paciente) a través de un servicio de cirugía de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de América (USA).
Materiales y métodos:Un estudiante internacional realizo una rotación tipo observador durante 30 días en un hospital de trauma de primer nivel en USA, donde los reportes de trauma matutinos fueron empleados como modelo de educación, basado en las directrices del comité de trauma del colegio americano de cirugía, la experiencia fue evaluada al final de manera retrospectiva.Resultados: Los reportes de trauma matutinos fueron presencia...