Charakterystyka frakcji organicznej odcieków ze starego składowiska po zastosowaniu sonifikacjiCollection of municipal waste in landfills, even properly designed and operated, is an important issue in environmental engineering. These are formed by the infiltration of rainfall through the waste bed and eluting with the organic and inorganic compounds, often toxic nature. So far, over 200, have been identified which are organic substances leachate contamination, as many as 35 belongs to the so-called "priority pollutants". By the decrease in the concentration of organic compounds in the leachate decrease the value of biological and chemical oxygen demand which is dictated by stabilization of landfill as lengthening the time of its life. However, the indicator BOD5 decreases faster as compared to COD therefore BOD5/COD ratio is reduced to as low as 0.06. The leachate produced in mature landfills appears to be the presence of significant amounts of humic acid with very stable structure difficult to breach by bacteria. It was assumed that ultrasonic waves induce change in the structure of organic compounds and contribute to the acceleration of the biodegradability, among other substances in the effluents refractive thereby improve the efficiency of the biological purification processes. For sonification leachate used ultrasonic disintegrator type vibro goal Sonics (40 kHz). The range of vibration amplitude was varied in the range from 25 to 123 µm and exposure time (sonification of leachate) from 60 to 720 seconds. Also the measuring of the size of the energy produced during sonication sonochemical leachate was made. It was found, inter alia, that the sonification process of effluents clearly influenced the formation and release of aliphatic compounds. The -CH2 and -CH3 groups can be released from the humic compounds or aromatic combinations. It was also observed the formation of substantial amounts of compounds with the functional hydroxyl group, which might be derived from alcohols and carboxylic acids. These changes suggested a breach of the chemical structure of organic compounds contained in the leachate, so that, the chemical structure of the formed compounds was more susceptible to biodegradation. The study also determined the effect of ultrasonic field on the evolution of the BOD5 treated leachates and BOD5/COD ratio. The BOD5 sharp increase was observed at the time of sonification of leachate in the range of 60 to 300 s in the whole studied range of amplitudes. This suggests that by the action of the ultrasonic field generated in the effluents of chemical compounds had greater biodegradability.The process confirmed by the change in the ratio of BOD5/COD. The highest value of BOD5 indicator (460 mg/dm 3 ) was at the time of subjecting the leachate impact of ultrasound using amplitude equal to the size of 25 µm and for the time of sonification equal 300 s. In this case the BOD5/COD factor increased to 0.12, and it was about 26% higher as compared to the value of this indicator for leachate no-sonificated (0.08...