217 cases of tetanus admitted to Christian Medical College and Brown Memorial Hospital, Ludhiana, from June 1977 to April 1980 were studied. Three treatment regimes were used during this period. The addition of intrathecal horse antitetanus serum (ATS) (Group II) to the routine treatment (Group I) reduced the mortality from 63% to 53% but this was not statistically significant. Following a further addition of parenteral betamethasone to the regimen (Group III) the mortality decreased to 27% which was significantly lower than in Groups I and II. A similar trend in mortality was demonstrated when the severe cases were analysed separately. Groups I and III were comparable in terms of various prognostic factors and the nursing care received but Group II had a higher incidence of unfavourable prognostic factors, which may have obscured the benefit of intrathecal ATS. The combination of parenteral betamethasone and intrathecal ATS seems to be beneficial in the treatment of tetanus.