Objectives Since the health insurance coverage for traditional Korean medicine is very low, some physicians and researcher have suggested that government's institutional support is needed for korean medicine field. Therefore We examine the use of traditional medicine and western medicine in Taiwan, which operates a similar health insurance system to Korea. Methods We selected several studies from Pubmed and NHIRD, that could be used to numerically evaluate the use of traditional medicine. We reviewed the current status of medical use in Taiwan and compare it with that of Korea. Results Through a total of 87 studies, We found that 26.59%∼31% of Taiwanese use Traditional medical institutions more than once a year, and the use of traditional medicine has been increasing since 2000. In adults than children, in women than men, the use rate of traditional medicine was high. Especially, herbal medicine was the most common intervention, accounting for 70% of traditional medical care. Conclusions The core of low insurance coverage for traditional Korean medicine is in lack of coverage for herbal medicine. Taiwan's case shows that the unmet demand for traditional Korean medicine of the Korean population can exist widely. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2018;28(1):133-144)