Abstract. New radial velocity measurements of the Algol-type eclipsing binary BD +52 °2009, based on Reticon observations, are presented. The velocity measures are based on fitting theoretical profiles, generated by a physical model of the binary, to the observed cross-correlation function (ccf). Such profiles match this function very well, much better in fact than Gaussian profiles, which are generally used. Measuring the ccf's with Gaussian profiles yields the following results: m p sin 3 i = 2.55 ± 0.05m @ , m s sin 3 i = 1.14 ± 0.03m @ , (a p + a s ) sin i = 7.34 ± O.O5i? 0 , and m p /m s = 2.23 ± 0.05. However, measuring the ccf's with theoretical profiles yields a mass ratio of 2.33 and following results: m p sin 3 i = 2.84 ± 0.05m®, m s sin 3 i = 1.22 ± O.O3m 0 , (a p + a s ) sin i = 7.56 ± 0.05R @ . The system has a semi-detached configuration. By combining the solution of a previously published light curve with the spectroscopic orbit, one can obtain the following physical parameters: m p = 2.99m @ , m 3 = 1.28m0, < T p >= 9600K, < T s >= 5400K, < R p >= 2.35i? 0 , < R s >= 2.12R®. The system consists of an A0 primary and a G2 secondary.