The aim of this paper is to investigate strong convergence of modified truncated Euler-Maruyama method for neutral stochastic differential delay equations introduced in Lan (2018). Strong convergence rates of the given numerical scheme to the exact solutions at fixed time T are obtained under local Lipschitz and Khasminskii-type conditions. Moreover, convergence rates over a time interval [0, T ] are also obtained under additional polynomial growth condition on g without the weak monotonicity condition (which is usually the standard assumption to obtain the convergence rate). Two examples are presented to interpret our conclusions.MSC 2010: 60H10, 65C30, 65L20.Recently, such neutral stochastic differential delay equations (short for NSDDEs) have been found more and more applications in many fields such as control theory, electrodynamics, biomathematics and so on. However, most NSDDEs can not be solved explicitly except some special ones. Thus numerical methods for NSDDEs (1.1) have been playing more and more important roles.The convergence of the numerical methods for NSDDEs (1.1) have been discussed intensively by many researchers, for example, Gan et. al [4] investigated mean square convergence of stochastic θ method under global Lipschitz condition, [17] studied Mean square convergence of one-step methods under the same assumptions, [13] considered convergence in probability of the backward Euler approximate solution for a class of stochastic differential equations with constant delay, Zhang considered strong convergence of the partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method for a class of stochastic differential delay equations in [18], there are also many other literatures concerning with this topic, see e.g. [2,6,11,12,19,20].Recently, in [9], Mao developed a new explicit numerical simulation method, called truncated EM method. Strong convergence theory were established there under local Lipschitz condition plus the Khasminskii-type condition. And then he obtained sufficient conditions for the strong convergence rate of it in [10]. Motivated by these two works, Lan and Xia introduced in [8] modified truncated Euler-Maruyama (MTEM) method and obtained the strong convergence rate under given conditions. Then in [7], the author generalized the MTEM method from SDEs cases to the NSDDEs cases and obtain asymptotic exponential stability of it under given conditions. However, the strong convergence of the MTEM method is still not known, which is the main topic of this paper.Although strong convergence of the given numerical methods are considered in many papers such as [1,2,4,9,16,17] and so on, the convergence rates are not known. Some other papers considered strong convergence rates of the given numerical methods under weak monotonicity condition. For example, in Guo et al [3], Assumption 5.1 is necessary to obtain the convergence rate of the truncated EM method at fixed time T , in Tan and Yuan [14], A8 is needed to obtain the convergence rate of the truncated EM method over a time interval [0, T ], for the wea...