Submit Manuscript | 3. Type III -is characterized by severe constriction, with minimal breast base and apparent deficiency of all quadrants of the breast [1,4].However, this classification is very subjective, but the Northwood index is more objective, which is based exclusively on the hernia ion of the mammary parenchyma through the areola as a fundamental point in the development of the tuberous breast. It is calculated by the relation between the measure of parenchymal protrusion through the areola (distance from the tip of the papilla to the base of the areola measured in centimeters) and the areolar diameter measured in centimeters. The index greater than 0.4 defines a tuberous breast, which severity could be classified in mild (0.4 to 0.5), moderate (0.51 to 0.6) or severe (0.61 To 0.7) [1,5]. The early manifestation of signs of this mammary pathology could be observed since before puberty, when hormonal factors stimulate the gland and the mammary growth, due to the anterior projection of the areola-nipple complex and the peripheral expansion of the base of the breasts [3,6]. The breast represents an important symbol of woman's femininity and its deformity result in several psychological problems that, together with the sociocultural influences, motivate surgical interventions to improve its aesthetics [7][8][9]. In this report, it is described the rare case of a 14-year-old woman with tuberous breast and emotional changes as a result from these breast alterations.
Case ReportD.C.S., a 14-year-old female patient from Juazeiro do Norte, in State of Ceará, was taken by her mother to the adolescent ambulatory at Maria Amélia Bezerra Children's Hospital. This hospital supports the Estácio de Sá College of Medicine, located in the same city. The teenager's mother reported changes in the appearance of adolescent breasts (Figure 1), which occurred two years ago, and behavioral disorders, such as aggression and introspection, attributed to this fact. Her mother also expressed intense desire to correct the alterations so that she could have a satisfactory anatomical and psychological development. Physical examination: shy expression, uncommunicative, but collaborative patient; hypotrophic mammary parenchyma bilaterally; breasts with enlarged areolas and the right breast was lower, showing asymmetry of both breasts; the right breast was larger than the left; finally, a constrictive ring was present at the base of the breasts (Figure 2). A two-time surgical correction was proposed
SummaryThe tuberous breast is a rare pathology that affects mainly young women and is characterized by deformities that strike the breasts, such as an enlarged areola, less breast tissue, flaccidity and a close base in the fold of the breast. In the case report, it is a 14-year-old female patient with tuberous breasts and emotional disorders such as aggression, introspection and low self-esteem as a result of the psychological influence of breast changes. After medical exam, a surgical procedure and psychological t...