This article discusses the microstructure of the U.S. Treasury securities market. Treasury securities are nominally riskless debt instruments issued by the U.S. government. Microstructural analysis is a field of economics/finance that examines the roles played by heterogenous agents, institutional detail, and asymmetric information in the trading process. The article describes types of Treasury issues; stages of the Treasury market; the major players, including the role of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the interdealer brokers; the structure of both the spot and futures markets; the findings of the seasonality/announcement and order book literature; and research on price discovery. We conclude by discussing possible future avenues of research.JEL Codes: D53, E43, E44, G12, Keywords: Treasury, microstructure, spreads, order book, announcement * We would like to thank Dick Anderson, Frank Fabozzi, Michael Fleming, Robert Rasche and an anonymous referee for detailed comments which greatly improved this manuscript. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect views of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve System.
GlossaryAlgorithmic trading Algorithmic trading is the practice of automatically transacting based on a quantitative model.Broker A broker is a firm that matches buyers and sellers in financial transactions. An interdealer broker (IDB) is an intermediary providing trading services to hedge funds, institutions, and other dealers. IDB's handle the majority of Treasury securities transactions in the secondary market.Coupons Owners of Treasury notes and bonds receive periodic payments called coupons. They are fixed by the Treasury at auction and are typically paid semi-annually.Depth Depth is the quantity the dealer is willing to sell at the bid or offer.
Electronic communications networks (ECN)The Securities and Exchange Commission defines electronic communications networks (ECNs) as "electronic trading systems that automatically match buy and sell orders at specified prices."Market microstructure Market microstructure is a field of economics that studies the price formation process and trading procedures in security markets.On-the-run On-the-run refers to the most recently auctioned Treasury security of a particular maturity. After the next auction, the security goes off-the-run.
Price discovery The process by which prices adapt to new information.Primary dealers Primary dealers are large brokerage firms and investment banks that are permitted to trade directly with the Federal Reserve in exchange for making markets in Treasuries. They provide the majority of liquidity in the Treasury market, participate in Treasury auctions, and provide information to assist the Fed in implementing open market operations.Secondary market After the initial auction of Treasury instruments, trading in on-the-run and off-the-run securities makes up the secondary Treasury market.When issued When-issued bonds are those Treasuries whose auctions have been ann...