Isotopes ubstitutionsa re usually conceived to play am arginal role on the structure and bondingp attern of molecules. However,arecent study [Angew.C hem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53,1 3706-13709; Angew.C hem. 2014, 126,1 3925-13929]f urther demonstrates that upon replacing ap roton with ap ositively charged muon, as the lightest radioisotope of hydrogen, radical changes in the nature of the structure and bonding of certains peciesm ay take place. The present report is ap rimary attemptt oi ntroduce another example of structural transformation on the basis of the malonaldehyde system.A ccordingly,u pon replacing the protonb etween the two oxygen atoms of malonaldehydew ith the positively charged muon as erious structuralt ransformationi so bserved. By using the ab initio nuclear-electronic orbitaln onBorn-Oppenheimer procedure, the nuclear configuration of the muon-substituted speciesi sd erived. The resulting nuclear configuration is much more similart ot he transition state of the proton transferi nm alonaldehyde rather than to the stable configuration of malonaldehyde. The comparison of the "atoms in molecules" (AIM) structureoft he muon-substituted malonaldehyde and the AIM structureo ft he stable and the transition-state configurations of malonaldehyde also unequivocally demonstrates substantial similarities of the muon-substituted malonaldehydet ot he transition state.