We incorporate the dual-mode concept in our dual-aspect PE-SE (proto-experience-subjective experience) framework. The two modes are: (1) the non-tilde mode that is the physical (material) and mental aspect of cognition (memory and attention) related feedback signals in a neural-network, which refers to the cognitive nearest past approaching towards present; and (2) the tilde mode that is the material and mental aspect of the feed-forward signals due to external environmental input and internal endogenous input, which pertains to the nearest future approaching towards present and is a entropy-reversed representation of non-tilde mode. Furthermore, one could argue that there are at least five sub-pathways in the stimulus-dependent feed-forward pathway and cognitive feedback pathway for information transfer in the brain dynamics: (i) classical axonal-dendritic neural sub-pathway including electromagnetic information field sub-pathway; (ii) quantum dendritic-dendritic microtubule (MT) (dendritic webs) sub-pathway; (iii) Ca(++)-related astroglial-neural sub-pathway; (iv) (a) the sub-pathway related to extrasynaptic signal transmission between fine distal dendrites of cortical neurons for the local subtle modulation due to voltages created by intradendritic dual-aspect charged surface effects within the Debye layer around endogenous structures such as microtubules (MT) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in dendrites, and (b) the sub-pathway related to extracellular volume transmission as fields of neural activity for the global modulation in axonal-dendritic neural sub-pathway; and (v) the sub-pathway related to information transmission via soliton propagation. We propose that: (i) the quantum conjugate matching between experiences in the mental aspect of the tilde mode and that of the non-tilde mode is related more to the mental aspect of the quantum microtubule-dendritic-web and less to that of the non-quantum sub-pathways; and (ii) the classical matching between experiences in the mental aspect of the tilde mode and that of the non-tilde mode is related to the mental aspect of the non-quantum sub-pathways (such as classical axonal-dendritic neural sub-pathway). In both cases, a specific SE is selected when the tilde mode interacts with the non-tilde mode to match for a specific SE, and when the necessary ingredients of SEs (such as the formation of neural networks, wakefulness, re-entry, attention, working memory, and so on) are satisfied. When the conjugate match is made between the two modes, the world-presence (Now) is disclosed. The material aspects in the tilde mode and that in the non-tilde mode are matched to link structure with function, whereas the mental aspects in the tilde mode and that in the non-tilde mode are matched to link experience with structure and function.