The aim of this work was to collect and harmonize the results of several studies achieved over the years, in order to obtain a database of georeferenced observations on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Western and Central Mediterranean seafood. For each observation, some information on the taxonomy and the ecology of the sampled species are reported, as well as details on the investigated hydrocarbon, and spatial and temporal information on sampling. Moreover, two health risk indexes were calculated for each record and included in the database. Through several statistical methods, we conducted a meta-analysis of the data on some of the species in this database, identifying trends that could be related to the biology of the investigated organisms, as well as to the physico-chemical properties of each hydrocarbon and to the oceanographic characteristic of this part of the Mediterranean. The analysis of the data showed that, at a consumption rate like the one typical of the Italian population, seafood caught from the area considered in the present work seems to pose a minimal risk to health. However, we also found evidence of an increasing trend of PAH concentrations in Mediterranean mussels, pointing to the need for constant monitoring.