The simplest non-trivial 5d superconformal field theories (SCFT) are the famous rank-one theories with E n flavour symmetry. We study their U -plane, which is the one-dimensional Coulomb branch of the theory on R 4 × S 1 . The total space of the Seiberg-Witten (SW) geometry -the E n SW curve fibered over the U -plane -is described as a rational elliptic surface with a singular fiber of type I 9−n at infinity. A classification of all possible Coulomb branch configurations, for the E n theories and their 4d descendants, is given by Persson's classification of rational elliptic surfaces. We show that the global form of the flavour symmetry group is encoded in the Mordell-Weil group of the SW elliptic fibration. We study in detail many special points in parameters space, such as points where the flavour symmetry enhances, and/or where Argyres-Douglas and Minahan-Nemeschansky theories appear. In a number of important instances, including in the massless limit, the U -plane is a modular curve, and we use modularity to investigate aspects of the low-energy physics, such as the spectrum of light particles at strong coupling and the associated BPS quivers. We also study the gravitational couplings on the U -plane, matching the infrared expectation for the couplings A(U ) and B(U ) to the UV computation using the Nekrasov partition function.