We argue in this paper that we are in the midst of a period in which fundamental global change will be required if societies and many species, perhaps even our own, are to survive. The realities are inescapable, and the potential implications are likely to affect nearly every dimension of human life in the USA and globally. Current trends are discouraging and will be extraordinarily difficult to shift, given global structural realities. It is hard to imagine a time when effective leadership is more necessary or will be more challenging. Our thesis here is that behavioral systems science can contribute in meaningful ways to shaping and sustaining such leadership, leadership required to advance a new progressive movement.Keywords Behavioral systems science . New progressive movement . Cultural analysis Bonly the construction of another society based on total human development can politically and humanly emancipate men and women … and eradicate poverty and inequality^(Ana Elizabete Mota 1 ) Despite unprecedented advances in medicine, technology, transportation, and other facets of society, extreme human suffering persists across the globe, and the inevitability of human progress has been exposed as a myth of modernity (Touraine 1995). Indeed, we BEHAV ANALYST (2016) 39:109-121