We make detailed comparisons of the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon among three species of the family Hylidae, Hyla pseudopseudis, Scinax rostratus, and S. squalirostris. The acrosome complex consists of two conical structures covering the nuclear rostrum, the acrosome vesicle, and the subacrosomal cone. The nucleus has a moderately condensed chromatin with a conical shape in longitudinal sections and a circular shape in cross-sections. In H. pseudopseudis, mitochondria are numerous and circular, and in S. rostratus and S. squalirostris there are fewer mitochondria that are more elongate in longitudinal and transverse sections. In H. pseudopseudis, the mitochondrial collar starts adjacent to the distal centriole, occupying the whole midpiece, whereas in both Scinax species the mitochondrial collar starts only at the posterior one-third of the midpiece. In both Scinax species, the presence of juxta-axonemal fiber, axial sheath, and axial fiber in the tail are seemingly plesiomorphic characters, widespread among bufonoid frogs. In H. pseudopseudis, however, the absence of axial fiber and axial sheath seems to be derived from the typical bufonoid condition. The differences between Hyla and Scinax sperm endorse the separation of the two genera and suggest that sperm ultrastructure can be a useful tool to investigate relationships at the intrafamily level.