DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2012.125
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The unaccounted yet abundant nitrous oxide-reducing microbial community: a potential nitrous oxide sink

Abstract: Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a major radiative forcing and stratospheric ozone-depleting gas emitted from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It can be transformed to nitrogen gas (N 2 ) by bacteria and archaea harboring the N 2 O reductase (N 2 OR), which is the only known N 2 O sink in the biosphere. Despite its crucial role in mitigating N 2 O emissions, knowledge of the N 2 OR in the environment remains limited. Here, we report a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the nosZ gene coding the N 2 OR in genomes… Show more

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Cited by 560 publications
(448 citation statements)
References 52 publications
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“…This is in line with the results of Palmer et al (2011) where many OTUs from the targeted denitrifiers were related to nosZ from Proteobacteria, commonly described as one of the dominant bacterium phylum in soil (Janssen, 2006;Nemergut et al, 2011). At the same time, organisms from other phyla are also capable of denitrification and might possess nosZ genes that are not targeted with our primers (Jones et al, 2013), while some denitrifiers completely lack …”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 90%
“…This is in line with the results of Palmer et al (2011) where many OTUs from the targeted denitrifiers were related to nosZ from Proteobacteria, commonly described as one of the dominant bacterium phylum in soil (Janssen, 2006;Nemergut et al, 2011). At the same time, organisms from other phyla are also capable of denitrification and might possess nosZ genes that are not targeted with our primers (Jones et al, 2013), while some denitrifiers completely lack …”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 90%
“…Furthermore, two recent studies revealed a physiological dichotomy in the diversity of N 2 O-reducing microorganisms (Sanford et al, 2012;Jones et al, 2013). These recent findings might also be of importance for understanding the relationship between N 2 O reduction and the activity and diversity of N 2 O-reducing microorganisms in biochar-amended soils and should be taken into account in future studies.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 78%
“…For example, D. thunbergianus thalli are firmly attached to the soil (Fig. S1), which may produce local anaerobic conditions that promote processes involved in N 2 O production (Henry et al, 2006;Jones et al, 2013). The sharp increase and decrease of N 2 O fluxes and nitrate, respectively, in response to N amendment and under high rainfall frequency support this idea.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 88%
“…In this respect, two factors may explain the lack of direct effects from microbes on N 2 O flux under D. thunbergianus and nitrate availability under D. thunbergianus and P. crystallifera. First, we want to highlight that for logistical reasons we did not measure the diversity and abundance of all microbial functional groups such as nirK, nirS and norB which also play important roles in controlling both nitrification and denitrification in soils (Jones et al, 2013). Second, we argue that at least for AOA, the high gene abundance (vs. bare soil) in low nutrient environments (e.g.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 98%