The cerebellum ensures the smooth execution of movements, a task that requires accurate neural signaling on multiple time scales. Computational models of cerebellar timing mechanisms have suggested that temporal information in cerebellum-dependent behavioral tasks is in part computed locally in the cerebellar cortex. These models rely on the local generation of delayed signals spanning hundreds of milliseconds, yet the underlying neural mechanism remains elusive. Here we show that a granular layer interneuron, called the unipolar brush cell, is well suited to represent time intervals in a robust way in the cerebellar cortex. Unipolar brush cells exhibited delayed increases in excitatory synaptic input in response to presynaptic stimulation in mouse cerebellar slices. Depending on the frequency of stimulation, delays extended from zero up to hundreds of milliseconds. Such controllable protraction of delayed currents was the result of an unusual mode of synaptic integration, which was well described by a model of steady-state AMPA receptor activation. This functionality extends the capabilities of the cerebellum for adaptive control of behavior by facilitating appropriate output in a broad temporal window.spreading diversity | neural timing D esensitization of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) can significantly influence synaptic transmission at glutamatergic synapses (1). AMPARs have an affinity to desensitize to concentrations of glutamate in the micromolar range, and desensitization can become nearly complete at saturating concentrations (2, 3). In particular, at calyceal or glomerular synapses, spillover-induced desensitization contributes to short-term depression of AMPARmediated transmission (4, 5). An extreme case of spillover-induced desensitization is believed to mediate synaptic transmission in unipolar brush cells (UBCs) of the cerebellum. UBCs are small glutamatergic granular layer interneurons (typical soma diameter ∼ 10 μm), which in rodents are most abundant in the vestibulo-cerebellum (6). They have a single, bushy dendrite that connects with a mossy fiber terminal in a one-to-one fashion, forming a giant glutamatergic synapse with large area of apposition and many release sites. At most central synapses, the lifetime of neurotransmitter in the cleft is short, limited by rapid diffusional escape to the surrounding medium (7). However, the glomerular structure and extensive synaptic apposition of UBC synapses have been hypothesized to promote prolonged entrapment of glutamate in the synaptic cleft (8, 9).Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) recorded from rat UBCs have a classical fast component, mediated by AMPARs, followed by a protracted tail of persistent inward current that can last up to seconds. The slow tail is believed to be due to the prolonged presence of glutamate in the cleft and is mediated by NMDA receptors (NMDARs) or AMPARs, or a combination of both (8). In most UBCs, the biphasic appearance of EPSCs is particularly striking as the slow current first rises to peak in several hundreds of mi...