MINOS is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It consists of two large steel-scintillator tracking calorimeters. The near detector is situated at Fermilab, close to the production point of the NuMI muon-neutrino beam. The far detector is 735 km away, 716 m underground in the Soudan mine, Northern Minnesota.The primary purpose of the MINOS experiment is to make precise measurements of the "atmospheric" neutrino oscillation parameters (∆m 2 atm and sin 2 2θ atm ). The oscillation signal consists of an energy-dependent deficit of ν µ interactions in the far detector. The near detector is used to characterize the properties of the beam before oscillations develop. The two-detector design allows many potential sources of systematic error in the far detector to be mitigated by the near detector observations. This thesis describes the details of the ν µ -disappearance analysis, and presents a new technique to estimate the hadronic energy of neutrino interactions. This estimator achieves a significant improvement in the energy resolution of the neutrino spectrum, and in the sensitivity of the neutrino oscillation fit. The systematic uncertainty on the hadronic energy scale was re-evaluated and found to be comparable to that of the energy estimator previously in use.The best-fit oscillation parameters of the ν µ -disappearance analysis, incorporating this new estimator were: ∆m 2 = 2.32. A similar analysis, using data from a period of running where the NuMI beam was operated in a configuration producing a predominantlyν µ beam, yielded somewhat different best-fit parameters ∆m 2 = 3.36−0.12 (stat.) ± 0.01(syst.). The tension between these results is intriguing, and additional antineutrino data is currently being taken in order to further investigate this apparent discrepancy.
DeclarationI declare that this thesis and the work presented in it are my own and were produced by me as the result of my own original research. The work was done while a candidate for a degree at the University of Oxford, and has not been submitted for any other qualification. Results and figures from published works have been clearly attributed.The energy estimation technique presented in Chapter 5 of this thesis was my primary original contribution to the MINOS charged-current analysis. The analysis as a whole was performed by a group within the collaboration, and while I made significant contributions, the innovations described in Chapter 4 are the work of others (in many cases the subject of a thesis in their own right).ii
AcknowledgmentsOver the course of 3 1 /2 years I've collected quite a number of people without whom this thesis wouldn't have been possible (or at least severely delayed). So here goes, in roughly chronological order:Thanks to my supervisor, Giles Barr, who never ceases to be optimistic, no matter how broken the analysis, or close the deadline. I also appreciated his offers (which I never had to take up) to throw his weight around and leave me to get on with writing, and his prompt proofreading (by usual a...