The terms "entrepreneurship "and "entrepreneur" have become increasingly used around the world because entrepreneurship tends to be associated with the economic development and well-being of a nation. When we refer to entrepreneurship education, we must consider not only formal education, which is very important in fact business administration, marketing, sales, human resources, communication and PR, finance but also getting in touch with entrepreneurial models. Therefore, entrepreneurship education is different from traditional academic education and involves the soading of unique aspirations and attitudes to entrepreneurs, which can only develop through contact with entrepreneurial success stories and through contact with entrepreneurs who have succeeded. But just as importantly, young people need to understand not only a romanticised interpretation of entrepreneurship, but also the negative aspects of starting a business. Comparing with entrepreneurs from other countries we are among the last to see the potential of success stories in entrepreneurship education and we are the first by the perceived importance of formal tertiary education. This last type of education could best be supported by government measures, because the universities in Romania are predominantly "state-owned". The general objective of the present research is represented by identifying the profile of young people from the North-East area who intend to open a business in the near / distant future in order to be able to get an overview of the interest that young people show in the business environment. Within quantitative methods of data processing, the basic is the sociological survey, and the main tool for collecting data is the questionnaire. All study tools are administered and applied online, and the collection and centralization of data is done automatically and securely.