Introduction:The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the stress factors and the level of stress a year preceding the onset of breast cancer and depression in the studied female patients.
Methods:The research in this work was mostly prospectively (clinical and analytical).During the research, Scale of Life Events-Paykel was applied. Stressful life events differed significantly between the groups. In the studied group, the following events were significantly more prevalent: partner infidelity (χ 2 = 12.663; p < .001), failure at work (χ 2 = 44.429; p < .001), and spontaneous abortions or stillbirths (χ 2 = 13.818; p < .001).Results: According to the results of this study, stressful life events differed significantly between the observed groups. These stressful life events had a significant impact on the increase of risk for breast cancer, as well as on depressivity. Afterward, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system was used for prediction of the Paykel's Life Event according to Fisher's exact test.
Conclusion:The obtained results could be of practical usage for improving stress behavior of the patients with breast cancer and depression.
K E Y W O R D Sadaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, breast cancer, depressivity, prediction, stress 2 of 7 | CVETKOVIĆ ET al. chronic, prolonged stress, associated with the feeling of depressivity, uneasiness, insidious fear, and with various accompanying neurotic reactions. About one third of the general population, at least once during a lifetime, experience an extreme stress or stressful event.Breast cancer is a long-known disease, which with its participation in general morbidity and mortality is nowadays one of the most important health care concerns throughout the world. Facing a malignant disease, involving the diagnosis and often long-lasting, demanding, and uncertain treatments, represents a huge shock to the patient, stress, and introduction to a serious crisis in life, producing psychic instability. This could all have an unfavorable effect upon the course and outcome of the treatment. This paper deals with the stress preceding breast cancer and depression. To do so, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system or ANFIS Petković, 2017) is used which is soft computing technique suitable for strong nonlinear relationship between input and output data pairs. The main goal is to predict Paykel's Life Event according toFisher's exact test. The main motivation is stress reduction in the initial stage of the breast cancer and depression.
| ME THODThe study enrolled 153 female examinees, out of which 103 (67.3%) with breast cancer comprising the studied group, and 50 (32.0%) women with depression and without breast cancer as the control group. The average age of the whole studied population was 49.20 ± 11.2 years (age range from 26 to 65 years). As for the age of the enrolled examinees, the groups were not statistically significantly different, that is the groups were homogenous (studied group: 49.4 ± 10.8 vs. control group: 48.76 ± 12.21 years; t = 0.329; p = .734).The st...