Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) constitute a class of metals, semimetals, and non-metals that may or may not be essential to living organisms and are of concern due to their persistence, toxicity, bioaccumulation, and biomagni cation in high concentrations. PTEs can be introduced into the aquatic environment from various sources, anthropogenic or natural, occurring in waters, sediments, and organisms, posing risks to the ecosystem and to human health. A systematic literature review (SLR) was used in this study to identify natural and anthropogenic sources of PTEs for the aquatic environment.The databases consulted were ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science, in the period 2000-2020, using speci c terms and lters. After analyzing the titles, abstracts, and full texts, 79 articles were selected for the SLR, in which 21 sources and 16 EPTs were identi ed. The main anthropogenic source identi ed was mining and the main natural source identi ed was the weathering of rocks. Is worth noting that the identi cation of polluting sources is essential for the environmental monitoring of PTEs, as these elements cycle in the environment, not being chemically or biologically degraded, and can cause serious problems for various living organisms including human health.