Payment by Results (PbR) is a funding mechanism used to pay for National Health Service (NHS) acute hospital services in England (Department of Health 2009). It reimburses for services on the basis of Healthcare Resource Groups. These groups are either condition-related categories (that imply the services to be provided) or categories of procedures, interventions or treatments. Until recently, this system of reimbursement has not been applied to mental health. Traditionally, hospitals providing mental health services were allocated funding of fixed sums, or block cost contracts. However, the financial reforms to deliver the NHS Plan (Department of Health 2002, 2010a) call for major changes to the way in which money flows within the NHS; according to current plans, it will begin to be based on PbR. In England, currencies (formulae for reimbursement) for mental health care are being introduced, with an expectation that, by 2011-2012, all health economies should be using the currencies in some form, and be establishing local prices (Department of Health 2008, 2010a). This will determine what services are commissioned and how funds will flow for service provision in mental health. As recently as July 2010, the coalition government reconfirmed the centrality of PbR as a system for paying providers of health care services (Department of Health 2010b).