In this paper, results proceeding from experimental studies and numerical simulations of the time-dependent flowfield inside a Rijke tube are presented and interpreted. A discussion is carried out based on existing speculations and standard scaling concepts. The main results include a similarity parameter that appears to play an important role in the heat driven oscillations. This parameter relates heat perturbations to velocity, pressure, and the square of a characteristic length. A hypothesis that relates heat oscillations to the compounded effects of pressure and velocity oscillations is discussed. This is done via computational, experimental, and scaling considerations. Since previous analytical theories have linked heat oscillations to either velocity or pressure coupling, the current analytical model agrees with and reconciles between both schools of thought. In compliance with the Rayleigh criterion, it is found that the heat source must be positioned at a critical distance of quarter length from the tube's entrance for resonance to occur. At that location, the modular product of acoustic velocity and pressure, known as the energy-flux vector modulus, is maximized. This observation confirms our proposed interpretation since the critical point where thermoacoustic coupling is maximized corresponds to the same spatial location where the modulus of acoustic intensity is largest. Furthermore, both numerical and laboratory experiments suggest that pressure oscillations inside the Rijke tube grow commensurately with increasing heat input. With a sufficiently small heat input, the acoustic sinks exceed the sources and acoustic attenuation takes place. In that case, no appreciable sound can be generated. Conversely, when the heat input is augmented beyond a critical threshold, acoustic sinks become insufficient, and rapid acoustic amplification ensues. The experiment also indicates the importance of the air's mean flow convection currents in the coupling mechanism. It is found that unless the air's mean flowrate is appreciable, no acoustic amplification can exist. To demonstrate the vitality of air currents, a strong mean flow is induced artificially by means of an exhaust fan. At the outset, acoustic growth is reported in both vertical and horizontal tube orientations. It is concluded that forced air currents can compensate for the lack of buoyancy in the horizontal tube configuration.