The obj ective of this paper is to present the architecture of a pedagogical agent dedicated to provide a metacognitive scaffolding through interactive learning environments (ILE). Such a learning situation requires a well developed metacognitive competence since learner is often alone with the computer. ILEs do not provide any support at this level. For this reason we had the idea of designing a pedagogical agent that performs this function in order to improve the quality of teaching by means of these environments. Keywords-pedagogical agent; metacognitive scaffolding; interactive learning environments LINTRODUCTION Currently, the E-learning attracts the attention of educational actors in a huge way because of its educational potential to support face-to-face teaching administered in traditional schools or its use in open and distance learning (ODL) institutions [1],[2]. This technology is considered to be able to facilitate and enhance learning [3], [4],[5].Learning through Interactive Learning Environments (lLE) implies and requires the learner autonomy, in which learners are facing the machine alone and thus responsible for their learning.To be an autonomous learner, one will need to : define his or her objectives, select and undertake appropriate activities to implement and evaluate his or her own progress, identify the sources of its potential problems, make appropriate decisions, adjust and regulate its proceedings. All these procedures are only possible if the student develops a good metacognitive competence.Moreover, ILE does not take into account the learner beyond its activity on media content, and few are those who introduce principles for learning meta-knowledge and different learning strategies [6] in spite of the fact that the students who succeed in school regularly use metacognitive strategies [7].And several studies show that the effectiveness of E-learning lies on the function of the facilitator and the ensuing depth of the collaboration and discussion that take place between the facilitator and the students [8], [9].