IntroductionAbout the bladder reconstructive surgery -from bladder augmentation cystoplasty to orthotopic whole neobladder -the use of autologous bowel segments, though with the onset sometimes of both prosthetic malignancies and systemic metabolic complications, still remains the gold standard since no better alternative has been proved to be wholly reliable.With regard to such pathomorphosic and malignant complications, clinical and animal model histologic examinations on prosthetic intestinal segments may at times show a sequential pathway from chronic urine exposure-related inflammatory conditions to malignant transformation, given that phlogogenic cells can also overexpress cancerogenic cytokines. Besides the adenocarcinoma, other tumors -including polypoid adenoma, signet ring carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma and carcinoid -may affect the intestinal urinary diversion, particularly that colonic rather than the ileal one. Preternatural histotectonic connections between ureteral transitional epithelium and paranastomotic intestinal mucosa most likely explain, through altered cell growth signalling between two dissimilar cell compartments, the prevailing appearance of malignant changes just at the uretero-intestinal suture line (1-4).Systemic metabolic imbalances of intestinal urinary diversion arise from both the chronic exposure of bowel to urine -response to excess of urinary NH4, H + , Clabsorption with developing iperchloremic acidosis, whence hypokalemia, bone demineralization with resulting hyperphosphatemia/hyperphosphaturia and phosphate urinary stone formation (that's made easier given the mucus overexpression) -and, otherwise, the reconstructive measure-due removal of ileal segment with following chologenic diarrhoea/steatorrhoea, hype-