Mineral excavation is a common process throughout the world. The open pits remaining after the closure of a mine require well-considered and meticulous reclamation activities aimed at restoring the environmental properties of a given area. The inspections carried out in Poland indicate numerous irregularities in implementing the reclamation process. The research in this study was conducted in six measurement series and includes both chemical and olfactometry determinations by devices: multisensor portable gas detector and field olfactometer. Statistical analysis of the results obtained show high concentrations in ambient air of both chemical compounds (NH3, VOCs, H2S, CH3SH) and odour, excluding the possibility of occurrence in the pit of only waste types contained in the administrative decision on reclamation. In addition to the unpleasant odour, the listed compounds can have dangerous effects on the health and life of living organisms. This paper presents a suitable method of control and detection of irregularities in the conducted processes. The main advantage is the relatively low cost of purchasing sensors and field olfactometers compared to other devices, and the possibility to test the polluted air in situ, without the risk of chemical processes occurring during transport of gas samples to the laboratory.