Radium is a naturally-occurring radioactive element found in Upper Midwest aquifers, yet exposure risks for unregulated water sources in this region are unknown. A survey of 226/228 Ra and other inorganic constituents in 94 private wells was conducted in 2019 across 10 Iowa counties. Within private wells, 53% measured below minimum detectable activity whereas 6.3% have 226/228 Ra levels above the United States Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level. 226/228 Ra occurrence was not associated with well-depth or chemical surrogates, but were generally consistent with the lithology and historical water quality trends for aquifers. In 2020, 11 of the 226/228 Raimpacted wells were re-sampled to assess the efficacy of in-home water treatment. Water softeners reduced 226/228 Ra to non-detectable activities, but other inorganic constituents persisted and their removal required more advanced treatment. This study suggests that 226/228 Ra occurrence in private wells can reasonably be anticipated from public water supply data if reliable information is available to identify the source aquifer.
K E Y W O R D Semerging contaminants, in-home treatment, private wells, radium