Social work has relied on epistemology that privileges Whiteness over racialized groups. As the population of Latinx individuals in the United States continues to grow, new paradigmatic frames that are more responsive to the complex and urgent needs of Latinx populations are required. LatCrit, originating in legal and education scholarship, provides a culturally resonant lens that addresses systemic oppression and the racialization of issues such as immigration, bilingualism, low-wage labor, and perceived reliance on social support systems. LatCrit social work scholars have integrated the theory into social work praxis but have yet to apply it to epistemology. The authors provide examples of LatCrit as illustrations of how critical theory can be used to deconstruct social work epistemology. Implications for LatCrit in social work education are provided, which include an emphasis on the collective, experiential learning, oral history, and intergenerational knowledge.