The study is focused on the search and substantiation of approaches to stimulating physical activity in children, adolescents, and youth through the use of innovative means. The aim of the study was to analyze and classify the main types of exergames, identify their features, possibilities of use, and potential for stimulating physical activity. The following methods were used in the study: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature to elucidate the current state of research on exergames and their impact on physical activity; content analysis, to systematize and classify exergames according to various criteria (genre, level of physical activity, target audience, technological basis, etc.); comparative analysis, to assess the differences between various types of exergames and identify their advantages and disadvantages; classification method, to build a structured system for classifying exergames according to the main parameters; system approach, to identify relationships among the characteristics of exergames. Exergames are an effective tool for stimulating physical activity that combines elements of physical exercise with interactive technologies, providing a high level of motivation and user engagement. Based on the analysis, the author proposes a classification of exergames according to the following criteria: level of physical activity; target audience; technology platform (console games, mobile applications, virtual reality); purpose of use (entertainment, training, rehabilitation, health). Exergames have the potential to be used in various fields including education, rehabilitation, health improvement, and prevention of physical inactivity, especially among young people and people with low levels of physical activity.