“…I have learned that different field-work approaches––photography and social science––allow us to explore and document society differently, adopting different points of view and research tools. I also learned that any approach can learn a lot from one another (Becker, 1974, 1981) and that «qualitative research [could] be understood as art and method» (Flick, 2014: 531), as bricolage (Gariglio, 2017; Kincheloe, 2005) and as montage (Denzin and Lincoln, 2003) or, which I would suggest, as a photographic sequence. My taken-for-granted understanding of field and work were too anecdotical and naïve; but I also learned that methodological knowledge can be challenged to avoid the reification of traditional approaches addressing «the “difficulty of escaping customary habits of seeing and thinking”» (Jones et al, 2010: 479).…”