Xanthosoma germplasm requires regular subculturing if stored in vitro under optimal culture conditions. An experiment was carded out to investigate whether Xanthosoma can be stored continuously under minimal growth conditions. Growth was reduced by incubation at low temperatures (9°C, 13°C and 17°C) and by adding mannitol (3.0% w/v) to the medium. Three investigated Xanthosoma species, Xanthosoma brasiliense, Xanthosoma robustum and Xanthosoma sagittifolium could be stored in the dark for at least two years at 13°C. Addition of mannitol to the medium resulted in higher survival rates after three years of continuous storage. The storage period could be extended to at least 48 months for X. robustum and X. sagittifolium by annual subculture and regrowth under optimal culture conditions.