A simple system was constructed for the separation and collection of atmospheric particles and gases. The five-stage sampling train consists of a particle filter followed by four 7 LiOHimpregnated filters to collect acidic gases. The treated filters quantitatively collect acidic gas-phase species of B, S, CI, Br, I, As, Se, Sb and Hg. Simultaneous sampling with activated charcoalimpregnated and 7 LiOH-treated filters revealed that B, S, and As species were found only as acidic gases, while the others had both acidic and nonacidic contributions. Concentrations of up to 48 elements on the particle filters and nine elements on the treated filters were determined using instrumental neutron activation analysis and neutron capture prompt ~,-ray activation analysis. Minimum sampling volume estimates, average filter blank concentrations, and average atmospheric concentrations at College Park, MD and Wallops Island, VA are presented.