Review Contents
GeneralConsiderations 2R History, Books, Reviews, and Student Experiments 2R Theory and Fundamental Studies 2R Chromatographic Systems (Stationary and Mobile Phases) 3R Apparatus and Techniques 4R Detection and Identification of Separated Zones 5R Quantitative Analysis 6R Preparative-Layer Chromatography and Radio-Thin-Layer Chromatography 6R Applications 6R Acids and Phenols 6R Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 7R Antibiotics 7R Bases and Amines 7R Carbohydrates 8R Dyes and Pigments 8R Hydrocarbons 8R Lipids 8R Pesticides 9R Pharmaceuticals, Drugs, and Alkaloids 10R Purines, Pyrimidines, and Nucleic Acids 12R Steroids 12R Surfactants 12R Toxins 12R Vitamins 12R Miscellaneous Organic Compounds 12R Inorganics and Metal Organics 13R Literature Cited 13RThis is a selective review of the literature of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and paper chromatography (PC) cited in