For the purposes of this paper, biosecure shrimp feeds and on‐farm feeding strategies refer to the “feed, whether live, fresh, or formulated, and the management of the feed on the farm, should not be an entry point of potential pathogens to the shrimp and/or to the culture system.” The paper reviews the different feeds commonly used for the production of farmed shrimp and discusses their potential risks from a disease perspective, including the use of live hatchery and nursery feeds, the use of live and/or fresh food organisms for the production of broodstock, and the use of dry formulated shrimp feeds for shrimp growout operations. In addition, the paper discusses the critical role played by feed‐processing techniques for the pasteurization and destruction of pathogens within shrimp feeds and the need for nutritionists to formulate feeds for optimal nutrition and health, and not just for optimal growth. The importance of the development and implementation of good on‐farm feed management practices by farmers is discussed, including the prohibition of the top‐dressing of pelleted feeds on farm by farmers with unapproved feed additives such as antibiotics. Finally, the paper discusses the responsibilities of farmers, feed manufacturers, and traders regarding the development and use of recommended biosecure shrimp feeds and feeding practices.