The paper shows a comparison of two approaches of synergetic control theory to the construction of a robust control law for the synchronization of chaotic Arneodo systems: the synthesis of a control law with forced sliding mode (FSM) and with integral adaptation (IA). The results of the comparison indicate a significantly better robustness of the law with IA to the operating parametric perturbations. The criteria for the effectiveness of the control laws were the root-meansquare error and the average absolute value of the synchronization error. The main distinguishing features of the proposed control laws are compensation of parametric disturbances without synthesis of perturbation observers, the ability to exclude the chattering effect, a simpler analysis of the stability of a closed system.
Ключевые слова; нелинейное управление, синергетическая теория управления, робастность, интегральная адаптация, форсированный скользящий режим.