SUMMARYWe report all the complications observed during ventilatory support in 65 patients at the ICU-Medicine Department, Hospital Cayetano Heredia between 1983-85. The most frequent complications were related to the airway care. We had 12 orotracheal intubation in the right bronchus, 11 burst cuft, 8 self extubation and 7 accidental decannulation. In technical complications: 9 plug disconnection, 7 deactivated alarm, 4 ventilator failure and 2 break electric cable. We also had 24 atelectasis, 8 cannula disconnection, 7 leak on the pressure circuit and 4 tension pneumothorax. Complications were fatal in 4 patients: 2 tension pneumothorax, 1 blockage by secretions and 1 unnoticed disconnection. The weanning process was successful in 21 (32%) patients which were discharged in good conditions from the hospital. The complications referred above were due to the recent openning of the Unit, unnexperienced nurses, lack of chest physical therapist, poor resources, limited budget and precarious technical support at our Intensive Care Unit.