The results of ICP‐OES analysis with (EPA 200.7) method serve as a proof of the negative influence of inorganic (As) from the processing of drinking water on the quality of anaerobic digested sludge. Detection of these proportions has for the first time confirmed the migratory flow of arsenic from the source point technological wastewater at Water intake 1 through the city sewage network to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Subotica. Arsenic (As) with low concentration at the input of the WWTP has ranged from 0.029 to 0.05 mg/L, but after anaerobic digestion, arsenic concentration in the sludge still showed a limiting character, which has caused a decrease in its quality and the possibility of wider utilisation. In order to preserve the quality of the potential biological product at WWTP, the impact of migratory arsenic must be prevented, and inertness of waste has to be achieved by the introduction of stabilisation/solidification technologies.