Downward continuation is a useful transformation, mainly used to enhance measured
gravity or magnetic field anomalies. It is known to be an unstable transformation
that should be strictly used only in the harmonic region, apparently preventing
any meaningful application to continuations inside the source volume. Despite
these well-known theoretical and practical limitations it has been used to recover
source parameters by different methods, here referred to as normalized full gradient
methods. Such methods show that downward continuation may be extended to the
source volume, which is assumed to contain one-point, isolated singularities, which
is a quasi-harmonic region. We modify the normalized full gradient method focusing
our attention to the way the downward continuation is normalized. Differently
from normalized full gradient methods, we study the effect of the normalization not
only on the analytical signal modulus of the downward continued field but also on
the downward continuation of the gravity or magnetic fields themselves. With our
method, called normalized downward continuation, several statistically meaningful
normalizations are considered, some of them yielding improved, more resolved depth
estimations for synthetic as well as measured total-field anomalies. From a statistical
point of view, the downward continued field tends to have right-skewed histograms
at shallow depths, while becoming symmetrically distributed at greater depths. This
occurs because, as the depth of continuation increases, the intrinsic error propagation
of the downward continuation allows the error to dominate with respect to the
source-related signal. For non-isolated anomalies, consistent results are also obtained
but the normalizing factors must be computed within windows centred to the studied