Private insurance firms participating in Medicare can offer up to three principal plan types: coordinated care plans (CCPs), prescription drug plans (PDPs), and private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans. Firms can make entry and marketing decisions separately across plan types and geographic regions. In this study, we estimate firm-level models of Medicare private plan entry using data from the years 2007 to 2009. Our models include a measure of market structure and separately identify CCP, PDP, and PFFS entry. We find evidence that entry barriers associated with CCP market concentration affect all three product types. We also find evidence of cross-product competition and common cost or demand factors that make entry with certain product combinations more likely. We predict that the market presence of CCPs and PFFS plans will decrease and that of PDPs will increase in response to payment reductions included in the new health reform law.Key questions in applied industrial organization pertain to the role of market structure in firms' entry decisions. A different set of inferences may be drawn about a market if concentration encourages entry rather than hinders it. On one hand, high market concentration suggests the existence of markups and a profit opportunity for potential entrants. On the other hand, incumbent firms may possess high market concentration due to barriers that preclude profitable entry of additional firms (Amel and Liang 1997). Thus, estimating the effect of market structure on entry provides a useful test of the presence of entry barriers. To our knowledge, no empirical analysis has been conducted that relates market structure to entry into the current, multiproduct Medicare private plan market.In this study, we estimate reduced-form, firm-level entry models for the three main Medicare private plan types: coordinated care plans (CCPs) (largely health maintenance organizations [HMOs] and preferred provider organizations [PPOs]), private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans, and stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs). In doing so, we investigate the relation between market structure