“…Korth (Local namc: ChiLaune), a large sized evergreen trce, is widely distiibuted in the va ous habitats in north€m India, Bhutan, SoutlEm Tibet, Nepal, Bangladesh, eastward to westem Cbina, Myanmar and Sumatra (Manandhar 2002). ln Nepal, it is dominantly found in evergreen and semi-evergrcen forests of central and eastem Nepal betwe€n 900-2100 n. Though somc sporadic infomution relating to taxonolny, €cology, chemical constituents and uses ofthe plants are available (Coburn 1984, Joshi and Edington 1990, Bhattarai 1991, Siwakoti and Siwakoti 2000, Manandhar 2002), the studies on chemical constituents, especially flavonoid paftems, and comprchensive documenlation ot traditional uses and pmctices of this species are not canied out so far. Therefore, an attenpt has been ECOPRINT VOL 13!…”