The article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the public catering market of the Belgorod region of Russia. The aim of the article is to analyze the directions and problems of development, identify positive and negative factors, prospects for the development of the regional market of public catering in the region. The analysis method was used to study the dynamics of quantitative indicators of the regional catering market based on static data. The sociological method reveals the factors that affect the regional public catering market. SWOT analysis was used to assess the potential of the region's catering market. The development of the public catering market in the region will allow us to achieve the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population. To ensure the effective development of the industry's infrastructure, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the growth of business activity. The main problems of development of public catering on the example of the market of the Belgorod region of Russia are revealed. It is established that the low level of use of modern technologies causes a significant lag in the public catering market from other industries. The directions of development of the regional public catering market are suggested. Keywords-regional catering market, the catering market, catering, the development of catering market, the indicators of the catering market, factors market catering.