The Evolution and Psychiatry Special Interest Group as part of the College of Psychiatrists has been active since 2020 (Brar and O'Connell, 2024a). Since then, the group has produced a steady output of articles (Rafferty et al., 2023;Brar and O'Connell 2023;Brar and O'Connell, 2024b) and has hosted events with leading researchers, which have been uploaded onto the college's YouTube channel. We believe it may be useful for readers if we share our experiences on the successes and opportunities of online platforms in growing interest in lesser-known areas of psychiatry, such as evolutionary psychiatry, and building communities and knowledge bases in an ever-more online world.In May 2023, Henry O'Connell and Gurjot Brar (chair and vicechair of the Special Interest Group, respectively) began an online collaborative journal through the 'Substack' platform dedicated to discussing and exploring how evolutionary science can inform our understanding of psychiatry. What began with relatively few subscribers quickly blossomed into over 400 regular subscribers and 25,000 reads to date and is now celebrating its first year anniversary. The Evolution and Psychiatry Substack contains a wide variety of articles published fortnightly, including clinical case series delivered in a problem-based learning format, winning essay entries from trainees from the UK and Ireland, commentary on recent research articles in the evolutionary field, interviews with notable evolutionists, and primer articles aimed at introducing basic concepts in evolutionary psychiatry. Our most popular articles include 'Evolutionbasic principles & applications to health and illness' and 'Personal and professional reflections on the power of an evolutionary perspective', available online at is often touted as an email newsletter platform but is arguably much more. Since its inception in 2017, its novel and simple interface has attracted journalists, thought leaders and authors from various backgrounds. Many notable 'Substackers' include Richard Dawkins, Anne Helen Peterson, Matt Taibibi and Salman Rushdie. There are also several notable 'Substacks' run by psychiatrists such as Psychiatry at the Margins by Dr Awais Aftab, Rational Psychiatry by Dr Thomas Reilly and the Socratic Psychiatrist by Martin Greenwald. Although the platform allows monetisation, many choose to disseminate their work for free. Currently Substack has over 20 million monthly active subscribers and 2 million paying subscribers (Backlinko, 2024).