The study attempts to address the knowledge gap in the Bredasdorp Basin Offshore South Africa by using newly acquired seismic data with an enhanced resolution, integrating core and well log to provide a solution. The main objective of this study was a volumetric sandstone reservoir characterization of the 13At1 and 10At1 sandstones deposited in the upper shallow marine environment. The results reveal four facies grouped as facies 1(claystone), facies 2(intercalation of claystone and sandstone, facies 3(medium sandstone), and facies 4 fine-medium sandstone grain deposited in a deep marine environment. Facies 3, the medium-grained sandstone, has the best reservoir quality rock, while facies 1, which is predominantly claystone, has the least rock quality. The study has produced a calculated volume of gas in the 10At1 sand (upper and lower sand is 30.01 billion cubic feet (bcf)) higher than that of the 13At1 sand (27.22 bcf of gas). Improved seismic resolution enhanced the accuracy of results. It is advisable to focus further field development in the eastern part of the Y gas field because of good reservoir quality and production developed due to the sand in the 10At1 sequence.