T ) may be particularly useful for achieving this end. Self-monitoring involves teaching students to monitor and record their own behavior (Schloss, Smith, & Schloss, 1990).Harchik, Sherman, and Sheldon (1992) identified the following advantages of self-monitoring: (a) An individual may control behavior when the natural contingencies are too delayed, too improbable, or too small to be effective, (b) an individual may act without constant direct supervision by others, and (c) increased opportunities for control are provided. Increased control over a specific situation may increase participation, reduce problem behaviors, and improve satisfaction without hindering performance (Bannerman, Sheldon, Sherman, & Harchik, 1990).Prater, Joy, Chilman, Temple, and Miller (1991) conducted a study in which adolescents with learning disabilities participated. Their results showed that the participants successfully learned to implement self-monitoring procedures in special and general education settings. The students improved on-task behavior and academic performance.DiGangi, Maag, and Rutherford (1991) demonstrated the efficacy of self-graphing with two students with learning disabilities. On-task behavior and academic performance improved during self-monitoring, with additional increases attributed to self-graphing. DiGangi and Maag (1992) reported positive effects of self-monitoring training on the appropriate and inappropriate verbal behaviors of three students with behavior disorders.Harchik, Sherman, and Sheldon (1992) reviewed 59 studies that dealt with self-monitoring, and suggested five recommendations for further study. These included (a) identification of entry-level skills needed to use selfmonitoring procedures, (b) investigation of specific methods of self-monitoring appropriate across a variety of settings, (c) analysis of responses that appear most amenable to modification by self-monitoring procedures, (d) evaluation of natural reinforcers in promoting self-monitoring, and (e) application of the results of self-monitoring research to teacher training and self-advocacy programs for persons at UNIV OF WESTERN ONTARIO on June 7, 2015 rse.sagepub.com Downloaded from