In this work the agronomic viability of substrates based on spents of Agaricus bisporus (J.E.Lange) Imbach) (SAS) and Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. (SPS) was studied. In addition to the commercial substrate used as reference, six different treatments were considered. In this experiment, SPS and SAS were mixed in different ratios (from 6,000 g and 0 g, respectively, up to 3,000 g and 3,000 g, respectively). SAS was subjected to a heat treatment in a growing room ("cook out") and then to a maturation treatment which consisted of a controlled recomposting process in growing rooms. SPS was subjected to a pasteurizing heat treatment (60 °C -65 °C, 8 h) and progressive decrease for at least 15 h to a "spawning" temperature (25 °C). SPS (5,400 g) + SAS (600 g) and SPS (4,800 g) + SAS (1,200 g) were prepared substrates with biological efficiencies (BE) of 35.98 % and 39.68 % respectively, lower than the control (46.18 %) and acceptable yields. The average unit mass of fruiting body harvested was low. V raziskavi je bila preučevana primernost ponovne uporabe ostankov gojišč, na katerih so gojili dvotrosni kukmak (Agaricus bisporus (J.E.Lange) Imbach), (SAS) in bukov ostrigar (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm), (SPS) kot substratov za nadaljne gojenje gob v primerjavi s komercialnimi substrati. Iz ostankov gojišč zgoraj omenjenih gob je bilo pripravljenih šest mešanic, katerih primernost je bila ovrednotena glede na komercialni substrat, ki je služil kot kontrola.V poskusu so bile pripravljene mešanice SPS in SAS v različnih razmerjih, od 6000 g in 0 g, do 3000 g in 3000 g vsakega od substratov. SAS substrat je bil prekuhan v prostorih za gojenje in nato prepuščen zorjenju v procesu nadzorovanega ponovnega kompostiranja. SPS substrat je bil pasteriziran (60 °C -65 °C, 8 h), nakar se je počasi ohlajal najmanj 15ur do inkubacijske temperature (25 °C). Mešanice SPS (5,400 g) + SAS (600 g) in SPS (4,800 g) + SAS (1,200 g) so bili primerni substrati z biološko učinkovitostjo (BE) 35.98 % in 39.68 %, ki je manjša kot pri kontroli (46.18 %), a da še sprejemljiv pridelek. Povprečna masa pobranih gob je bila majhna.