Floral nectars are attractive to pollinators mainly because they contain energy-rich sugars, which are the major dissolved components of these nectars. Assuming that other components were absent or negligible, students of pollinator energetics and foraging strategies have estimated the energetic value of nectar to pollinators by determining the refractive index of the nectar and converting this value to sucrose equivalents, since a variety of sugars (mainly sucrose, glucose, and fructose) may be present (Hainsworth and Wolf 1972, Heinrich 1975, Brown and Kodric-Brown 1979.However, many nonsugar constituents are also present in floral nectars, and the following groups of substances have been detected in at least some nee-Post, W. 1974. Functional analysis of space-related behavior in the Seaside Sparrow. Ecology 55:564-575. Pyke, G. H., H. R. Pulliam, and E. L. Charnov. 1977. Optimal foraging theory: a selective review of theory and tests. Quarterly Review of Biology 52: 137-154.