Most encrypted data formats, such as PGP, leak substantial metadata from their plaintext headers, such as the format version, the encryption schemes used, number of recipients who can decrypt the data, and even the identities of these recipients. This leakage can pose security and privacy risks to users, e.g., by revealing the full membership of a group of collaborators from a single encrypted e-mail, or by enabling an eavesdropper to fingerprint the precise encryptionsoftware version and configuration the sender used. We propose to improve security and privacy hygiene by designing future encrypted data formats such that anyone without a relevant decryption key cannot learn anything at all from a ciphertext, apart from its length, and as little as possible even from that. We present Padded Uniform Random Blobs or PURBs, an encrypted format that strongly minimizes a ciphertext's leakage via metadata or length. Without a decryption key, a PURB is indistinguishable from a uniform random bit string. Legitimate recipients can efficiently decrypt the PURB, even when it is encrypted for any number of recipients' public keys and/or passwords, and when these public keys are from different cryptographic schemes. PURBs use a novel padding scheme to reduce potential information-leakage via the ciphertext's length L to the asymptotic minimum of O(log log L) bits, comparable to padding to a power of two, but with a much lower padding overhead of at most 12%, which decreases with larger payloads.*Both are corresponding authors and share first authorship.
Motivation and BackgroundWe begin this section by giving examples of where PURBs can be useful, and describe the Integrated Encryption Scheme that we later use as a starting point in our design.
Motivation and ApplicationsPURBs is a paradigm for designing encryption data formats; it efficiently protects sensitive metadata. Our goal is to define a general approach applicable to most of the common data-encryption scenarios such